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Seksi Komsos

It’s raining.  It’s been two days in a row. The weather nowadays changes rapidly. At one moment of time, it will be sunny shiny day. And suddenly the next minute, the cloud begins to gather and flocked at one side. The color changes as well, it turned darker and darker, becomes grey. And suddenly, it rains!

Whether it’s hot or rain, we tend to look for a shelter.
Either it’s only an umbrella that we can carry wherever we go, a bus shelter where we can stop for a while-waiting-then continuing the journey, a mall-where we can wait and do more things, or a house- a place of our own. We need a shelter.

Jesus is my shelter. Not only a shelter, actually He’s also my shield and the source of my strength.
But by making Jesus my shelter, I got the assurance that everything will be OK.
It’s not because the road will be smooth without any obstacles, but it’s merely because He’s there to be with me. Stay by my side whenever or wherever I go.
By making Jesus as my shelter, I won’t be afraid. Not because I’m super brave, but merely because I can gather more strength and power from Him.

A shelter is a place where we can feel secured, in times of bad weather. And Jesus is the answer of this. Life isn’t always about good things, successful things, or happy times. But moreover, it has another side of negativity: downturn trend. Sickness, unhappiness, bad days, pain, fear, worries, anxieties.
And the question of life is actually how to deal with these things. When it’s good times, it’s easy to cope. But, what if things go wrong? What if it turns far away from our original plan?
Stay cool…
No worries…
Because we have the shelter, the shield, the strength in Jesus.

(Kontribusi:  Fonny Jodikin, pembaca Sabitah, tinggal di Singapura)

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